Start of the call for applications
Closing date for applications
Earliest possible project start
1 September 2021
9 November 2021
1 September 2022
Facts and figures of the first tender
Funding budget
Funded projects
11.5 million euros

Fig. 1: Distribution of projects among scientific disciplines
Participating institutions
Project leading institutions
Institution type
18 institutions in Austria
11 x universities
1 x University of Education
6 x Non-university research institutions/ scientific associations or GmbHs
National cooperation partners
International cooperation partners
56 from science
32 from business and society
16 from science
4 from business and society

Fig.2: Distribution of the project managing institutions among federal states
Involved schools
Partner schools
120 schools in Austria
4 schools abroad
National schools by type
14 x primary level
22 x secondary level I
48 x secondary level I-II
36 x secondary level II

Fig.3: School cooperation in the federal states
Persons involved
Students expected to be involved
Citizen scientists exptected to be involved