Current research projects
In the first call for proposals of "Sparkling Science 2.0", 34 Citizen Science projects will be funded with a total of 11.5 million euros starting in fall 2022.
The 27 funded projects of the 2nd call for proposals will start in the 2024/25 school year and will be published here shortly.
The projects cover different scientific disciplines and are thematically broadly spread: from contemporary history and migration research to ecology and microbiology to climate change education and sustainability research.
Use the advanced search function to search by keywords or categories.
57 projects have been found:
2. Call
BiodiverCITY-Island Hopping
Creating and exploring biodiversity islands in the city for action-oriented learning
Students research social inequality
The Memory of the Classroom.
Multidirectional Remembering in Schools in Graz
Creatively developing and promoting careful data practices in schools
Diagnostic improvement of allergies using nasal fluid and saliva
The generational-friendly City
Pupils, Students and older People explore and design the public space
Plant Extracts and Their Influence on Scar Formation
Forest Groove
Forest biodiversity in tune
Stories from the future
Digital storytelling and critical climate change education
Pedagogical, technical and cooperation-related conditions for success of hybrid learning spaces across school sites
Young people wiih reaugee experience
Threat and self-assertion: Young people with refugee experience during the Nazi era and today
Klagenfurt goes climate-neutral
Participation and Justice in the City of the Future
Climate Agents
Planet A in a Digital World
Climate Ready Schools
Investigating microclimate of school grounds and co-creative development of measures to enhance climate resilience in Austrian schools
Laser-assisted in-situ snow cover measurement
Cross-curricular topics for the mathematics classroom, that matter to 21st century learners
Researching families differently with children (MiKA)
Children's concepts of family diversity
Artificial intelligence in the foreign language classroom
Young citizen science project to promote media literacy and scientific literacy among adolescents
SAG S MULTI – Multilingual Empowerment
Fostering linguistic diversity at school and in society
Effects of Urban Environment on Treegrowth and Soil Carbon
Transformation through Participation (II): Establishing an Expertise Network and a Competence Platform for Strengthening School Democracy and Global Education.
WattsAhead: Energy-literate into the future
Researching and promoting Energy Literacy with Future Thinking among young people and adults
1. Call
Biodiversity and ecology of freshwater bacteria
Breathing Air
Analysis of typical exposure to the chemical mix of respirable ultrafine particles in rural and urban valley locations
Be PART of it!
Participatory Research on a Telepresence System and its impact on social inclusion in schools
Biodiversity of Phoxinus minnows
Biodiversity of Phoxinus minnows in Austria
CO2 Conversion
From harmful exhaust gas to a resource - CO2 as a valuable raw material
Digital data analysis of indoor air quality meets Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
Food consumption as everyday transformation: participatory research and collaborative learning for social-ecological change
“One day there will be …”
Circular Materials Narratives for Futures in the Anthropocene
Reflecting Minds
Development of a mentalization training for elementary educators
FFF-Glacier Worlds
Freeze For Future - Youth Creates Virtual Glacier Worlds For The Future Of Climate Change Education
Multilingual Memories of Migration. Students conduct intergenerational interviews
Colic & butyrate
Panacea butyrate? Evaluation of production, effects and therapeutic potential in the equine colon
Colonialism today? What does that have to do with me?
Post-colonial approaches to knowledge transfer in a natural history museum
Latin Inscriptions for Digital and Extracurricular Learning
SISTE VIATOR. Latin in Stone 2.0.
Green roof habitats
Green roof: habitats facing climate change and biodiversity crisis
Mathematical algorithms analyzed for everybody
Researching and Transforming Multilingual Spaces
Multilingualism in the pedagogical professionalization for preschool
Microbial dynamics along the food chain
Distribution and impact of microplastics in sensitive high alpine environments
Recycling Heroes
Application of Citizen Science in Schools to boost the Circular Economy in the Electronics Industry
Relevance of Mathematics Education
Relevance of Mathematics Education from the Perspective of Students
Smart Sport Assistance
Smart Sport Assistance (SSA) for visually impaired children
An interdisciplinary approach for recording changes in snow in Greenland and Austria
Caring Cultures in end-of-life care
Telling about caring cultures in end-of-life care. Students and citizen scientists doing intercultural and intergenerational research
SPARCling Matrix
The essential role of the matricellular protein SPARC in tendon disease and healing
This is (not) Rocket Science!
Citizen Scientists as Mission Control
Transport and Wellbeing
Transformation by Participation: Model Schools for learning of democracy and peace
Promotion of child and youth-friendly urban landscapes through participatory research on urban green
High school students explore the (in)visible multilingualism of the Viennese ‚Linguistic Landscape‘
We talk about science
Fostering communication about scientific issues
Discovering and uncovering: Detective work in the name of species protection
A participative approach for health promotion in students
Circus of Knowledge
Citizen Science meets Citizen Art