Projects in science
Many of the funded research projects deal with scientific issues. The thematic spectrum ranges from climate education to mathematical algorithms and didactics of natural sciences to biodiversity and species conservation. The projects address current and socially relevant topics and usually pursue a transdisciplinary approach.
18 projects have been found:
2. Call
BiodiverCITY-Island Hopping
Creating and exploring biodiversity islands in the city for action-oriented learning
Diagnostic improvement of allergies using nasal fluid and saliva
Forest Groove
Forest biodiversity in tune
Climate Ready Schools
Investigating microclimate of school grounds and co-creative development of measures to enhance climate resilience in Austrian schools
Effects of Urban Environment on Treegrowth and Soil Carbon
1. Call
Biodiversity and ecology of freshwater bacteria
Breathing Air
Analysis of typical exposure to the chemical mix of respirable ultrafine particles in rural and urban valley locations
Biodiversity of Phoxinus minnows
Biodiversity of Phoxinus minnows in Austria
CO2 Conversion
From harmful exhaust gas to a resource - CO2 as a valuable raw material
Green roof habitats
Green roof: habitats facing climate change and biodiversity crisis
Mathematical algorithms analyzed for everybody
Microbial dynamics along the food chain
Distribution and impact of microplastics in sensitive high alpine environments
Relevance of Mathematics Education
Relevance of Mathematics Education from the Perspective of Students
Transport and Wellbeing
Promotion of child and youth-friendly urban landscapes through participatory research on urban green
We talk about science
Fostering communication about scientific issues
Discovering and uncovering: Detective work in the name of species protection