Archive Projects
254 projects have been found:
6. Call (2016)
"Closed" institution?
The psychiatric hospital Mauer-Öhling (Lower Austria) in the Nazi era and in collective memory
Amadeus - Analysis of didactical acts in mathematics lessons
Research-guided and practice-oriented design of Videoclips, used for the enhancement of pre-service-teacher-competencies in mathematics education
Apple microbiome
Research and complex analysis for our health
Working Materials for the Styrian Paths of Medieval Literatur 3D
Literary Knowledge Transfer in Public and Virtual Space
Life in ice is accelerating glacial melt by the effect of bioalbedo
Chemical defence mechanisms of plants in oxidative stress situations
The Fungal Internet
PiNet - Communication networks and the cellular memory of microbioal communities
The universe looks like a soccer ball, does it?
Development of scientific text competence of pupils in multilingual classes by metatextual discourses to unsolved questions of science
The genetic landscape of the skin
The genetic landscape of the healthy human skin
(In)flaming tendons
Gripping reactions in the bioreactor: Impact of inflammation-related mediators on tendon health.
Game of Clones
Modelling the spacial spread and control of Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica)
Faces of Migration
Young people from Tirol explore together their familiale migration history
GRASS - Greylag geese as a model for animal social systems
Modulation of circannual behavioural and foraging patterns by social factors: the Greylag goose (Anser anser) as a model
Graz Repository of ancient Fables (GRaF)
Fabula docet - Who wants sour grapes?
Adolescents investigate the restorative effects of school areas (indoor/outdoor) and urban green spaces
Woodworking revisited
Old knowledge - ready for the future
ICT and Robotics as Bridge between Generations
Imagining Desires
Exploring Visual Culture and Sexuality Education
Young Muslims
Young Muslims in Austria. Social Anthropology and Culture Studies at Viennese Schools
Of singing Christmas trees and other presents
Silent Night - in between scientific and artistic demands
Learn to proGrAME
Learn coding by developing videogames
Making Democracy
Negotiating freedom, equality and solidarity among adolescents
Mediating migrant societies -Tracing the discursive constructions of transnational identities between the poles of selfing and othering among young adults in Vienna.
Modeling as a concept for writing instruction
Learning from a model, learning as a model. Modeling as a concept for writing instruction in propaedeutic content classrooms (AaMoL)
Nutritious Ages
Medieval Cuisine and Hygienics between Orient and Occident
Nanotechnology - modern lifestyle
Playful objects for inclusive, personalized movement games
Quality assurance during laser cutting using in-situ polarisation measurement
High School Students Lead an Exhibition Preparation on European Slaves
Consequences of Smartphone Use in Children's and Adolescents' Everyday Lives
Exploring Divorce with Illustrations
Sparkling Instruments
Design and Construction of Digital Music Instruments to Convey Knowledge in Music and STEM School Subjects
An Intergenerational Ethnography on Rural Images of Longing
Urban trees as climate messengers
City trees 2.0 - more than green
Measuring biological activity in soils with Austrian schools
The hidden world of bacteria
Exploring the diversity of bacteria in Austrian inland waters: isolation and description of new species
Diversity in farmers' homegardens in Eastern Tyrol (Austria)
"Homegrown - There's nothing like a homegarden!" Agro-bio-diversity in farmers-homegardens in Eastern Tyrol (Austria)
Product Development and Food Technology: Food Literacy by Young People for Young People
Translating Wor(l)ds
Reconstructing biographical experiences and competences of young refugees at schools in Austria
5. Call (2013)
The forced displacement of the St. Pölten Jews to collections flats in Vienna, 1938-42
Tracegas analysis in an inneralpine region
Amphibians and Reptiles in Human Areas of Settlement
Requirements and Situation of Amphibian and Reptilian Populations in Human Settlement Areas of Southern Styria (Austria)
Working materials 2.0 for the Paths of Medieval Styrian Literature
How to convey medieval texts in a medially shaped area of tensions between spoken language, scripture and Memory
Allergy-vaccines and ink for BioArt: Proteins for artistic and medical applications will be generated by scholars and researchers
An Accessible Level Editor and Player for Creating Orientation-Training-Games for Blind Students
Lesachtaler Bread in Intergenerational Dialogue
Blanking over glacial surfaces with industrial fleece to reduce melt rates. Economic blessing or scientific curse? A sociopolitical-scientific symbiosis
Critical Science Literacy
Why Science isn't true, what that has to do with you and how you can change it.
Determination of provenance of food from regional production in Austria on the basis of multi-element and isotopic fingerprinting
digital MUSICIANship
New Ways Of Making Music in Class
Doing World Heritage - Grasping World Heritage
Objects and Narratives in the context of prehistoric Pile Dwellings
A new rainforest
Understanding trees to protect climate and biodiversity
A sweet treat for cows
Investigation of a healthy and sustainable feeding strategy
Plants, wood, steel, concrete - a lifecycle as construction materials
Experimentation with mathematical algorithms
Political Participation Possibilities for Pupils in Social Networking Websites such as Facebook
Fostering Autonomy and Motivation by introducing E-Tandems into formal language education
Breath tests for personalized medicine
Shorter Than the Blink of an Eye – Simulation of Femtosecondlasers for Materialprocessing
Development of a near real-time information system of the current state of mass change of Austria´s biggest glacier (Pasterze) and small glaciers around Sonnblick Observatory
Inclusive Spaces
Students explore their school's social spaces at 'New Secondary Schools' in the context of inclusion
Informatics – A child's play?!
Informatics – A child's play?!
Construction of a Test for Surveying and Reflection of Media Literacy and Madia Habitus at School
Young people explore children's rights
A multi-perspective access to generations, school, professional training and higher education.
Flock needs also muck!
The effect of fertilisation type on invertebrates and plants in cereal fields
Artistic and cultural interventions by and with youth to create participatory publics
Melting Pot?!
Socio-spatial restructuring processes in Ottakring
Metropolis in Transition
Vienna - Budapest 1916-1921
Music without frontiers
Multilingualism in music (bi- or multimusicality) and the Understanding of the "Other", the "Unknown"
My Literacies
Approaches to literacies in multimodal and multilingual contexts - The view of the child
Nature in your Backyard – Citizen Science for Schools
Enjoy, explore and protect biodiversity
Phenology is moving
Impact of weather and climate on the phenology of indigenous woody plants and arable crops
Fruit & Tree
Biodiversity and Local Knowledge in traditional Orchards
Adaptive Interfaces for a global iLab Cloud
Interns investigate their working and learning
Exemplarily shown for business internships of students at Austrian higher vocational colleges.
Pollen allergy and respirable dust 2
Pollen and respirable dust - mutual allergy triggers?
The self-purification capacity of streams under the pressure of increasing nutrient pollution
Wood-based hybrid ribbed slabs
Wood-based hybrid ribbed slabs for multi-storey buildings
Schools & Quakes
Schools extend our knowledge about local earthquakes
Tendon regeneration versus Tendon repair
Tendon Injuries – Scaring Repair and Scarless Regeneration
SOLARtown - powering the future with the sun?
Pupils, scientists and regional stakeholders develop a concept for the implementation of the vision "green community" Hollabrunn with a focus on photovoltaics
Social alliances and flying area in Northern Bald Ibis
Quo volis Geronticus eremita? Monitoring the social alliances and the flying area in a Northern Bald Ibis colony (Geronticus eremita)
Sparkling Games
Designing Educational Games about the Relation of Informatics and Society
Nursing Students explore Potentials for Sustainable Care
Systems Engineering
An integrative approach to the methodological design and IT support of interdisciplinary processes for the development and design of innovative products
Tissue Engineering - The Elastic Tendon
Development of a novel tissue bioreactor for culturing tendons
The Profiler
Development of a Profiling Tool to Describe Persons Based on Acquisition and Content Based Analysis of Personal Online Images to Improve Media Competency of 10 to 15 year olds
Think Spatial!
Adolescents develop and evaluate tools for spatial and visual research and learning
Identifying and perceiving of river landscape functions and understanding of catchment processes within the case study Traisen
From "User-Generated-Content" to a "User-Generated-Copyright"
Requirements a modern Copyright is facing in the digital environment.
Wood from the region "Waldviertel"
Wooden buildings at the Waldviertel-region - 500 years of know how für the future
Development of a water safety plan and determination of the water balance in a school building taking into consideration seasonal usage patterns
Valuable Wood
Big shrubs and small trees as valuable and sustainable resource of wood
Who cares?
Scenarios for a culture of care in the future
The Art of Sustainable Living
The Art of Sustainable Living. Discover – Understand – Re-Design New Concepts of Sustainable Living
Tendons and Nutrition
The Influence of Diet on the Musculoskeletal System
Woody Woodpecker
Woodanatomical analyses of conifers at the alpine timberline
4. Call (2012)
Evaluation of modular Actuated Tangible User Interfaces
Irrigation of Meadows and Pastures in the Alpine Landscape - Importance of Ancient Culture Technique for Biodiversity and Mountain Pasture
Alpine Salamanders II
Alpine and Fire Salamanders in Austria and Europe; review of the current situation and protective measures
Allergy research in rural, alpine, and urban networks
An educational toolbox in conjunction with the ‚Steirische Literaturpfade des Mittelalters´
New concepts and material to transfer older German texts
Rethinking further education
Learning through research in education and practice of Early Childhood Education and Care
Ice Caves as Glacial Refugium of Microorganisms and their Non-Invasive Investigation
Chemical defense in the animal kingdom
The use of skin glandular secretions for biochemical defenses against predators in common toads (Bufo bufo) - plasticity and costs in the light of climate change
Cross Age Peer Tutoring in Physics 2
Gateway between school and university
The End of (My) Childhood?
Kindertransporte (Refugee Children Movement) for the Rescue of Jewish Children and Youths from Austria 1938-1941
The secret life of the neighbourhoods
Young researchers write urban history
You Feel, I Listen, We Make Music – a Dialog
Development of adequate pedagogical approaches for inclusive and integrative contexts with heterogeneous groups.
Human attitudes towards wolves and dogs
Attitudes of different segments of people living in Eastern Austria towards wolves and dogs; a questionnaire and behavioural survey
FEM_PERS: Personalized medicine for women by use of breath tests
Identifying and understanding of processes in river landscapes based on innovative geodata
FRANC - Field Robot for Advanced Navigation in bio Crops
Development of a field robot with an advanced navigation system for organic farming
Functional feed for cows – added-value rather than nutritional value
Scientists and pupils work together to enhance functional properties of grains fed to dairy cows
„GIVING VOICE – Inclusion through Political Parties?“
An intersectional analysis of descriptive representation based on candidate lists for parliamentary elections in Austria
Border Crossing
Field Research with Students
Wood for Salt
Wood for Salt – The prehistoric Hallstatt saltmines and their working processes
Hybrid wood constructions
Development of timer-steel-hybrid elements for economically and ecologically sustainable mixed timber structures for compact construction in urban areas
INDIAN SUMMER IN TYROL – Fall Colors in the Alpine Regions of Tyrol
High school students investigate different types of senescence in the alpine flora of the Tyrolean mountains
Individual - Collective
A reflection on aesthetic/social interactions using the example of an improvised music theatre production of Vinko Globokar´s score "Individuum - Collectivum" (1979)
Kids explore the interactions between car drivers and young road users in street traffic
KiP3 Kids Participation in Research – Authentic Inquiry Learning in Biological Research Projects (Development and Implementation)
Landscape and You-th
An Oral History Project on Local Knowledge, Language and landscapeInteraction between people and landscapes using the example of flax cultivation and processing n the Carinthian Lesach Valley
Mc Kioto
Biocultural diversity, climate relevance and health impacts of younng people´s eating habits
Mobile Motion Advisor 2.1
Development of technological methods and their practical use for supporting the individual physical fitness of adolescents in school and leisure time sport
Net-compass for Social Web
A Peer-to-Peer Information Platform for Privacy and Data Protection in the Social Web
A break please!
Reloading my batteries: Adolescents document and investigate places for their cognitive restoration
Pech gehabt! – Investigations on Pinus nigra with and without tapping
Natural and anthropogenic effects on wood properties
Pollen and respirable dust
Pollen and respirable dust – mutual allergy triggers?
Project 4 W – What We Want to KnoW
Collaborative information-integration supported by intelligent software
Psychomotricity in School
Development, application and evaluation of psychomotor teaching and learning methods in primary and secondary schools
Pupils summarize Austrian solar energy research against the backdrop of RIO+20 and develop scenarios up to 2030
Development of an interactive robot container terminal model to make infrastructures of sustainable intermodal goods transport come alive and comprehensible
Sparkling Geomagnetic Field
Geomagnetic variations during the upcoming solar maximum: Causes and regional consequences
Speech synthesis of auditory lecture books for blind school children (SALB)
Speech synthesis of auditory lecture books for blind school children
Seeking Traces: Hall in Motion
Resarch and Exhibition on Labor Migration in the Region of Hall in Tyrol (1960’s until today)
Young people travelling through the world of science and everyday life
Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines Erhebungssystems siedlungsnaher Schmetterlingshabitate
Paternity leave
Paternity leave: Impacts on male careers
Forest-Timber-Raw Material
Analyses of the historical wood utilization with the help of objects from the Austrian Open Air Museum Stuebing
3. Call (2010)
AAS Endurance
A robotic sailing boat to do research on marine mammals
SustainABLE energy YOUTHers – Active research for a more sustainable energy use
A new aesthetisation of medieval literature in the experience space
Alpine Salamander
Distribution and development of the alpine and the fire salamander in Salzburg
Catch me if you can
Shoplifting by children and juveniles – determinants and prevention
Cross Age Peer Tutoring in Physics
By learning with junior peers, students investigate their perceptions of physics concepts and adapt their own cognitive structures
The year of the Greylag geese
Seasonal behavioural differences of male and female Greylag geese (Anser anser) from different social categories
The Jewish Cemetery of Graz: Explore - Conserve - Remember
A contribution to the social and cultural history of the Jewish community Graz during the 19th and 20th century
German-English dictionary of social work
DISBOTICS - Disassembly Robotics
Distributed and intelligent disassembly of products with mobile robots
“A Right to Human Rights Education!“
Qualitative evaluation of human rights education in grammar schools (AHS)
eLearning in sports and physics education
Development and implementation of a blended learning concept for sports-oriented pupils based on learning objects
Education beyond Normalising Appreciation
Facing the Differences
Contradictions and differences as a constitutive moment of pedagogical professionalism
Games4School – Researcher develop games together with and for school children
Following the principle of user-centered design, school children develop mini games with new interaction possibilities in cooperation with researcher and teachers
Success factors for small heat grids with seasonal geothermal heat storage
Geographic information systems based on OpenStreetMap and Google Maps-API
Gepulster Laser
Development and construction of a pulsed laser for marking and cutting of various materials
Interactive effects of changes in climate and management on the yield and carbon dioxide source/sink strength of grasslands
Production of Multi-Channel-Capillary Membranes
Development and assembly of units for the production of multi-channel-capillary membranes for improved separation and cost reduction
Participative approaches to analyse the space behavior of adolescents in the city
Jugend is(s)t berichtend in Bewegung – health reports done by pupils for pupils
JuMuW [You move]
Youth research workshop multicultural Vienna. An interdisciplinary research project on intercultural learning and multicultural lifeworlds for teenagers and by teenagers in Vienna
Kids participation in research: students join scientists to conduct research on selected biological topics and science education
LIFE eQuality?
Teenagers’ research into quality of life – a comparative interregional study
Like seen on the Screen
The media and our environment
My heart and I – together healthy
Evaluation of a cardiovascular health promotion pilot project of Fonds Gesundes Österreich in the settings “community” and “school” for school health promotion at ECOLE-HBLW Güssing
Migration(s) in textbooks
A critical analysis by students, teachers and researchers
Nanomaterials – Possibilities and Risks of a New Dimension
Nanomaterials - their possibilities and risks focusing on research of and with young people including gender aspects
A web-based portal to collect and reuse free points-of-interest data
PDM-UP – Expansion and Sustainable Establishment of a within a predecessor Project developed and implemented Product Data Management Platform
A product data management platform as an IT system to support education at HTLs as an interdisciplinary field for cross-school collaboration
Peer Violence – Teenagers' Perception of Youth Violence
Teenagers' perception toward youth violence and violence interventions and its dependency on gender and migration background
Quality assessment and enhancement of user-generated mobile multimedia content
Racism in Discussion Forums about Migration and Education
„Where have all the Jews gone“
For example: St. Pölten.
Migration and present times, displacement and memory -
(Do) students develop school!?
Students and student representatives as co-actors of school development and system reform
SCWTEX – Simultaneous Cutting and Welding of Textiles
Development of a combined cutting-welding process of textiles by use of a laser
Acquisition of micro-climatic data for the area of Villach, concerning sustainable correction of raw data via open source software and standards
Sparkling Fingers 2.0
User-oriented development of an audio-tactile e-learning tool for blind and visually impaired students on the basis of an open modular, extensible framework for the generation and use of collaboratively created online content
Playful Learning
Research on motivational aspects and knowledge transfer in digital educational games for children aged 10 to 14 years
Microbial life in the atmosphere – an extreme habitat as analogue to exoplanets
Comprehensive Learning through Concept Cartoons
Concept Cartoons as a surveying method to identify alternative pre-conceptions in students and as a guide to teaching a student-focussed chemistry class
Birds as Biological Indicators
Langzeitige großräumige (internationale) Datenerhebung von Vögeln als Indikatoren für Umweltveränderungen
Precipitation - Forests - Wine at the Weinviertel
Variability of precipitation and the influence on forests and agricultural yield at the Weinviertel in past, present and future
Forests in focus – geoinformation technologies for small-scale forest assessments and inventories
Does Particulate Matter concern me?
Characterisation of ambient and indoor particulate matter samples and determination of sources for “oxidative stress release”
YouTest – Young People and Genetic Testing
Young people performing technological impact assessments: direct-to-consumer genetic testing as an example
2. Call (2009)
The “Rottenburg” – A Historically Important Fortress from an Interdisciplinary Point of View
The „Rottenburg“: historical importance, building material and building history – an interdisciplinary project between natural sciences, arts and building research with active participation of pupils
FEM_TRACE_VOC screening test
Developing and implementing a project designed to survey the health status and to promote health awareness of Viennese high school students based on an intervention study in co-operation with Hospital Hietzing
Women and Competition
Experimental studies of discrimination of women in their career
Geovisualisation and communication in participatory decision processes
Young participation in glo-cal politics. Adolescent perceptions of and interventions in europeanized and globalized politics
The jump shot - A biomechanical analysis
Chatting with Antiquity – Inscriptiones Antiquae
Scientific and didactic treatment and editing of the largest collection of inscriptions from Rome in Austria
Intelligent Mobile Motion Advisor
Development of technological methods and their practical use for supporting the individual physical fitness of adolescents in school and leisure time sport
Cross-Cultural Competence
Promotion of cross-cultural competence in high schools providing vocational education in Austria
Lifelong Learning – Students´ and Scientists´ Joint Perspectives
Students and scientists working on lifelong learning (LLL): developing questionnaires, collecting data and formulating recommendations
Mediagarden – BAKIP Meets Science
Qualitative media research realized by future kindergarten teachers in their practise-kindergartens
Students develop the basis of an archive on extreme weather phenomena
My Featured Space 2025
Pupils in the Alps-Adriatic area analyze and form their future living spaces in rural regions using scientific methods
Sustainable lifestyles and adolescent life realities
Young people develop and design gender sensitive pictures of people and technology. A participatory technology research project to compile a non-sexist image database
RECYCLING THE GREEN – How Chlorophyll Disappears
In search of traces of the green plant pigment: An investigation of chlorophyll breakdown and its enigmatic degradation products during autumnal senescence of local higher plants
Comparative studies on the regenerative capacity of free-living flatworms in Tyrol
Moth Larvae Research Project: Black C
Research on moth larvae hibernating in the spring meadows of the recreation area “Lainzer Tiergarten” and their contribution to biodiversity and population dynamics
Science Backstage – Explore How Physics Works and What Physicists Do
High school students examine how physics research works at the Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, what research methods are used as well as how scientific communities co-operate. The research groups involved in this course include quantum optics, nano materials and nuclear physics
Interactive learning game for an ecological and economical comparison of different modes of goods transport
Transnational Perceptions of History
“So, what does this have to do with me, anyway?” Transnational perceptions of the history of National Socialism and the Holocaust
Diversity of Cultures – Unequal City
A transdisciplinary research project on urban development, social cohesion, and transculturality
The development of the natural spaces Mödlingbach (Lower Austria), Krotenbach (Lower Austria) and Schlandraunbach (South Tyrol) after their reconstruction
Wetlands, Environment, Society and Pressures: effects of environmental changes on the ecological and social functions of riverine wetlands
eXcellent Interface for Nonphatic Use
1. Call (2008)
Alien Invaders – Renaturation of River Banks and Neophytes. A neglected problem
Alien plants and their role in reconstructions of river banks
“Applications on the Move“
Development of a mobile gaming application for young people. Location based games from students for students
Computer Simulations and Simulation Experiments
Essentials, Solutions and the Origin of Life
Searching for Footprints of Climate in Classrooms
Highschool students, teachers, and scientists investigate climate conditions in classrooms looking for correlations between heat and students´ concentration abilities
The “Heilandskirche” of Graz
The “Heilandskirche” of Graz during National Socialism in consideration of its members persecuted as “Jews”
Ecoproduct for Youth
Development of a method for sustainability assessment of products for young people. Becoming aware of the consequences of our consumption activities and tracking product features
Students research energetic solutions
Engineer Your Sound! (EYS)
Participative technological design using the example of music; Participation of secondary-school students in the development of didactic concepts of an interdisciplinary technical training
Students design technology-supported learning scenarios
Mrs. Munde’s Deadly Sins
Cultural heritage – the “Archiving Classroom” pupils as researchers
FUNSET Science (Future Network-Based Semantic Technologies)
Concepts for the applications of semantic and software agent technologies in small- and
medium-scale enterprises to form network organizations -
"Green Chemistry" – Sustainable Strategies in Science
Sustainable chemical processes considering organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry as well as biochemistry, chemical analysis and polymer sciences
Intercultural Tracking. Pupils do Research into Migration History/ies
An investigation of historical perceptions of young people in culturally heterogeneous classes
Youth Researches: Traffic & Security
Survey and scientific analysis of traffic- and safety-related parameters by students
KiP – Kids Participation in Educational Research
Inquiry learning in life science research projects
Climate Change: the Impact on Bird Behaviour and Reproduction
The impact of climatic parameters on behaviour and reproduction of native bird species
Körperliche Aktivität macht Schule
Immunologisches und metabolisches Profil von Schüler/innen in Bezug auf deren körperliche Aktivität und Leistungsfähigkeit
The influence of new media and technologies on the value orientation of adolescents
Vienna, 1020 – Students investigate the History and Presence of their School
Students of the second district in Vienna investigate the history and presence of their school. A historic- and empiric-comparative analysis of two schools of the second district with different cultural and social background involving students and teachers as researchers
your opinion counts (OC)Secondary school students develop an online panel for young people
PVD - OptiCoat-08
Analyse und Optimierung von PVD-Beschichtungsprozessen mittels industrieller Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
Pupils develop learning assignments for biology and chemistry regarding their personal learning style and gender aspects
Schüler/innen als Botschafter/innen der Physik
Erkundung von Möglichkeiten für künftige institutionalisierte Kooperationen von höheren Schulen und Universitäten
Entwicklung eines interaktiven Lerntools über umweltfreundliche Verkehre anhand von Container-Terminals in einer Kooperation Uni-Schule
SKY: Self-confidence and Competence for the Youth!
Systematic study of e-interventions in the context of self-assurance-training
Sparkling Fingers
Participatory design of assistive technology in the educational context
Hydrologic balance and global change: future prospect for mountain areas in the face of changes in land use and climate
Tricks of the Trade. Social Research with Pupils
Students and scientists research places of learning and knowledge
(Un)Doing Gender as an Integral Principle of Education: Language – Politics – Performance
How gender relations and roles are constructed, designed and lived – an investigation of students and teachers in the context of German classes
Our Environment has a History
Students in search for the roots of our environmental problems
Virtual Product Development
Support of a practice-oriented education in engineering design at schools and universities using a PDM-system
Perception of risk of adolescents – risks from a perspective of adolescents, science and media
Pioneering projects
Pionierprojekt: A Tale of two Valleys – zwei Täler zwei Geschichten
Die konträren Strategien von zwei benachbarten Alpentälern mit Klimavariabilität und Klimawandel umzugehen.
Pionierprojekt: BIPOLAR
Bildungsinitiative Polarforschung - Lernen und Forschen im Internationalen Polarjahr
Pionierprojekt: future.scapes
Globaler Wandel und dessen Auswirkung auf Landschaft und Gesellschaft. Szenarien künftiger Entwicklung und Lösungsstrategien zur Minderung negativer Effekte.
Pionierprojekt: Optima Lobau
Optimiertes Management von Flusslandschaften basierend auf einem mehrstufigen Entscheidungshilfesystem. Zusammenlegung von gesellschaftlichen Anforderungen und ökologischen Entwicklungen in einer sich verändernden Welt.
Pionierprojekt: PARLAVIS
Partizipative Landschaftsvisualisierung. Räumliche Visualisierung als Kommunikationsinstrument in der partizipativen Entscheidungsunterstützung und in der Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung
Pionierprojekt: Schools on Ice
Globaler Wandel in Polar- und Hochgebirgsgebieten
Pionierprojekt: SMARAGD
Satellitengestütztes Monitoring und Analyse von regionaler Gletscherdynamik in Franz-Josef-Land
Pionierprojekt: SuLi Game Sustainable Living
Ein Spiel zur Vermittlung von nachhaltigem Konsum
Pionierprojekt: VEGMON
Polare Kältewüsten im Klimawandel
Ein Vergleich mit den Alpen