This list is constantly supplemented.
Transnational Perceptions of History
“So, what does this have to do with me, anyway?” Transnational perceptions of the history of National Socialism and the Holocaust
STERNFELD, N. (2013): Kontaktzonen der Geschichtsvermittlung. Transnationales Lernen über den Holocaust in der postnazistischen Migrationsgesellschaft.
Dissertation an der phil. Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien 2013, Wien. (Ausgezeichnet mit dem BMWF “Award of Excellence“ für herausragende Dissertationen)
Information Technology
AAS Endurance
A robotic sailing boat to do research on marine mammals
STELZER, R. (2012): Autonomous Sailboat Navigation – Novel Algorithms and Experimental Demonstration
De Montfort University, UK
Teaching and Learning
Cross Age Peer Tutoring in Physics
By learning with junior peers, students investigate their perceptions of physics concepts and adapt their own cognitive structures
KORNER, M. (2014): Cross-Age Peer Tutoring in Physik. Evaluation einer Unterrichtsmethode.
Universität Wien (Dissertation).
Medicine and Health
When Our Lifestyle Sickens Us!
Are the foundations for "prosperity diseases" already present in our youth? To answer this question the students of the HLFS Ursprung collected and analyzed health and nutritional data from 325 of their classmates
HINZ, C.: Assessment of body iron stores in relation to cardiometabolic risk factors in a cohort of apparently healthy adolescents
Medizinische Universität Innsbruck 2011
Natural Sciences
Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines Erhebungssystems siedlungsnaher Schmetterlingshabitate
RÜDISSER, J. (2015): Simplifying biodiversity.
Applied environmental indicators at landscape scale.
Universität Innsbruck, Fakultät für Biologie.
Functional feed for cows – added-value rather than nutritional value
Scientists and pupils work together to enhance functional properties of grains fed to dairy cows
HARDER, H. (2015): Assessing the efficacy of processing grain with organic acids and pullulanase to modulate its nutrient composition and improve ruminal fermentation in vitro.
Dissertation zum Dr. tech. nat., Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien, Wien (Betreuer: Univ.-Prof. Qendrim Zebeli, Ao. Univ. Prof. Wilhelm Friedrich Knaus)