Online Mentoring and Networking of the Vienna University of Technology

The students worked on establishing criteria to analyse the female students’ situation and the demands to the OMNet system in co-operation with the TU Vienna partners.

The students learned to phrase questions of science, to apply various ways of analysis and their pros and cons.

  • Development and application engineering of the web application OnlineMentoring. The OnlineMentoring and networking platform had to be an appealing social networking platform to make the subject of networking and mentoring less difficult and more attractive for female students.
  • Analysis of the status quo to work out the female students’ requirements; supporting their partners’ research project.
  • Online feedback module and automatic evaluation.
  • Conditioning and publishing the results.

Attractiveness for students

  • Cooperation with female scientists, getting to know research and working in a scientific project,
  • developing a product fitting the costumer’s requirements.


  • OMNet – Communication Platform of the Mentoring program of the TU Vienna
  • Research results – analysis of the status quo – one step closer to developing effective measures to gain a lasting increase of female students at the Vienna University of Technology.

    This project has been completed.