Interactive learning game for an ecological and economical comparison of different modes of goods transport
Increasing flows of goods and ever growing transport volumes are a result of changing economic structures. A shift from stock-keeping oriented inventory management to a just-in-time based economy presents a challenge to the whole transport sector. Smaller vertical ranges of manufacturing, increased order rates and smaller shipment and lot sizes cause an enormous capacitive load on the existing transport network. This effect is further enhanced by the movement of labor-intensive manufacturing facilities and the associated increase in average haul distances.
The aim of the project was to develop an interactive information- and learning environment, allowing the user to get a deeper understanding of the economic and ecological impacts of his or her daily actions. The ideawas to create awareness for sustainable consumption and the complexity of transport processes associated with nowadays consumption patterns. By providing economic and ecological performance indicators within a playful and interesting learning environment the potential user were able to learn more about his or her own ecological footprint caused by transport processes.
This project has been completed.