Creatively developing and promoting careful data practices in schools
In the age of artificial intelligence (AI) and digitality, it is important to understand what data are and how they are used. This applies to learning about data as well as understanding the underlying technologies and their implications. The way in which data are utilised and how learning platforms - as programmed data practices - are designed can mitigate educational inequalities. To this end, it is necessary to develop data practices that are as inclusive and just as possible. Data practices refer to generating, analysing and using data as well as learning about and through data. Learning platforms, in particular, can represent a central data practice here, where it is important to be as inclusive and careful as possible. After all, careful data practices not only require knowledge of what data are, but also a framework that considers the needs of all learners.
The project “Daten*bilden” examines the interplay between education and data practices. It is about generating and using data, as well as how education is influenced by data practices. Moreover, the project examines how young people can develop their data practices carefully and mindfully through education. To this end, young people develop ideas and approaches as to what an ideal educational platform should look like.
To this end, students from three secondary schools in Vienna and Lower Austria first take a critical look at the platforms they currently use. They then develop ideas for the ideal learning platform and design prototypes. In the spirit of Computational Empowerment, the participating young people learn both what is behind a platform and how they can use their own creativity to develop new ideas. In this sense, “Daten*bilden” supports the educational process of young people and the development of their ability for self-determination, participation and solidarity in a digital world.
Additional data collection will contextualize the insights from the workshops through surveys, interviews with key stake holder and participatory observations. Next to academic publications the findings will also be summarized in guidelines for careful data practices and accompanying educational material.
Overall, “Daten*bilden” aims to develop
- data practices that are sensitive to diverse backgrounds
- teaching/learning concepts that support students in developing their ability for self-determination, co-determination and solidarity in the age of digitality and
- guidelines for careful, inclusive data infrastructures such as educational platforms that prioritize the needs of users.