KALNY, G. (2017): Testing compression strength of wood logs by drilling resistance
EGU 2017, 23.-28.April 2017, Wien (Poster).
KALNY, G. (2016): Lifecycle performances of conventional and soil bioengineering construction materials.
IALCCE 2016, 16.-19.Oktober 2016, Delft, Niederlande (Poster und Full Paper)
KALNY, G. (2016): Vortrag zum Projekt ELWIRA.
IABSE Konferenz, 18. -21. September 2016, Stockholm, Schweden.
KALNY, G. (2016): University meets school-Science meets Upper secondary education. ELWIRA “Plants, wood, steel, concrete - a lifecycle as construction materials”.
EGU 2016, 17.-22.April 2016, Wien (Poster)
KALNY, G. (2016): Life cycle performances of log wood applied for soil bioengineering constructions.
EGU 2016, 17.-22.April 2016, Wien (Poster)