Tendon engineering - Spannende Regenerationsforschung
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
TEMPFER, H. et. al.(2017): Biological augmentation for tendon repair – lessons to be learned from development, disease, and tendon stem cell research.
In: Cell Engineering and Regeneration; Springer Reference Series.
GEHWOLF, R. et. al. (2016): Pleiotropic roles of the matricellular protein Sparc in tendon maturation and ageing.
In: Sci Rep. 2016; 6: 32635
LEHNER, C. et. al. (2016): The blood-tendon barrier: identification and characterisation of a novel tissue barrier in tendon blood vessels.
In: Eur Cell Mater. 2016; 31: 296-311.
TEMPFER, H./TRAWEGER, A. (2015): Tendon Vasculature in Health and Disease.
In: Front Physiol. 2015; 6:330
TRAWEGER, A. (2016): Ein einfaches Bindegewebe? Über die komplexe Biologie und die langsame Regeneration von Sehnen.
ÖGU 2016, Salzburg (Keynote).
TRAWEGER, A (2016): Tendon Development and Biology - A Blueprint for Functional Tissue Regeneration?
Austrian Cluster for Tissue Regeneration, Annual Meeting 2016.
GRÜTZ, M. (2016): Development of a novel bioreactor for culturing tendon tissue under mechanical stress.
Work In Progress Seminar 2016, Salzburg (Vortrag).
GRÜTZ, M. et. al. (2016): A novel bioreactor for culturing tendon tissue under mechanical stress.
SCI-TReCS Summit 2016, Salzburg (Posterpräsentation).
GRÜTZ, M. et. al. (2016): A novel bioreactor for culturing tendon tissue under mechanical stress.
Science Get Together Meeting 2016, Salzburg (Posterpräsentation).
TEMPFER, H. (2015): Neue Strategien der Sehnenregeneration.
MSB‐Netzwerk Treffen Murnau 2015 (Vortrag).
GRÜTZ, M. et. al. (2015): Development of a novel bioreactor for culturing tendon tissue under mechanical stress.
SCI-TReCS Summit 2015, Salzburg (Posterpräsentation).
GRÜTZ, M. et. al. (2015): Development of a novel bioreactor for culturing tendon tissue under mechanical stress.
ICA Meeting 2015, Salzburg (Posterpräsentation).