Chemische Verteidigung im Tierreich: Erdkröten
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
ÜVEGES, B./MAHR, K./SZEDERKÉNYI, M./BÓKONY, V./HOI, H./HETTYEY, A. (2016): Experimental evidence for beneficial effects of projected climate change on hibernating amphibians.
In:Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 26754, doi:10.1038/srep26754.
ATTILA H./TÓTH, Z./VAN BUSKIRK, J. (2014): Inducible chemical defences in animals.
In: Oikos 123, Nordic Society Oikos, S. 1025–1028. doi: 10.1111/oik.01338
ÜVEGES, B./ SZEDERKÉNYI, M./MAHR, K./HOI, H./HETTYEY, A. (2013): The adaptive value of predator-induced defences in Bufo bufo tadpoles.
17th European Congress of Herpetology, 22.-27.08.2013, Veszprém/Ungarn (Posterpräsentation)
ÜVEGES, B./ SZEDERKÉNYI, M./MAHR, K./HOI, H./HETTYEY, A. (2013): Adaptive value of predator-induced defences in tadpoles of two anuran amphibians, Rana temporaria and Bufo bufo.
17th European Congress of Herpetology, 22.-27.08.2013, Veszprém/Ungarn (Posterpräsentation)